Другие Режущие мельницы




Универсальная режущая мельница - 300-3000 об/мин


№ для заказа

Сконфигурируйте свою универсальную режущую мельницу PULVERISETTE 19 с переменным числом оборотов 300 – 3000 об/мин в соответствии с Вашим конкретным применением.

Выберите из широкого ассортимента принадлежностей как минимум одну воронку, набор режущего инструмента, вставное сито и приемный сосуд.

Воронка для длинномерных и рассыпных материалов из полимерного материала или нержавеющей стали 316L или шлюзовая воронка из нержавеющей стали с полимерным с толкателем
Набор режущего инструмента
Ротор с V-образными ножами и встречными ножами из закаленной нержавеющей стали, твердого сплава карбида вольфрама или не содержащей хром инструментальной стали или ротор с зубчатыми краями и неподвижными ножами из закаленной нержавеющей стали или ротор с прямыми ножами и встречными ножами из закаленной нержавеющей стали или не содержащей хром инструментальной стали или или дисковый фрезерный ротор со сменными пластинами и неподвижными ножами из твердого сплава твердого сплава твердого сплава.

Ситовая кассета
Ситовые кассеты с трапецеидальным или квадратным отверстием из нержавеющей стали 316L или не содержащей хром стали DC01

Приемный сосуд
Приемный сосуд на 3 литра или приемный сосуд для больших количеств на 10 литров

Опциональные принадлежности
Штатив: Универсальный штатив или штатив из нержавеющей стали 316L и штатив с роликами
Устройство вывода пробы с циклонным сепаратором: высокопроизводительного циклонного сепаратора и циклонного сепаратора малой емкости
Сертификация: Документация IQ/OQ для самостоятельного выполнения для поддержки квалификации устройства в системе управления качеством
Модуль ПЛК: Модуль ПЛК для управления режущей фрезой через систему управления ПЛК и физическое соединение на основе шины RS485 поставляются по запросу.

Загрузочная ВОРОНКА

PULVERISETTE 19 может на выбор оснащаться воронкой для длинномерных и рассыпных материалов из полимерного материала или нержавеющей стали 316L, позволяющей подавать также и материалы во всей длине, или шлюзовой воронкой из нержавеющей стали с полимерным с толкателем для всех других материалов.


Загрузочная воронка

standard funnel for long- and bulk solids
№ 19.1550.00
Standard funnel for long- and bulk solids

With the FRITSCH standard funnel free-flowing bulk solids as well as straw, films or similar materials can be inserted at full length. Both ends of the plunger of the funnel for long and bulk solids can be utilised: the small end for adding of long goods and the wide end for bulk solids.

1. Stopper-Body
General specifications
MaterialAluminium AlZnMgCu1,5
ISO/EN/DIN Code3.4365
Chemical composition
ElementShare %
Iron – Fe0.50
Silicon – Si0.40
Copper – Cu1.2 - 2.0
Manganese – Mn0.30
Magnesium – Mg2.1 - 2.9
Chromium– Cr0.18 - 0.28
Zinc - Zn5.1 - 6.1
Titan – Ti0.20
Physical and mechanical properties
Density2.7 g/cm³
Hardness2.75 Mohs

2. Fillingtube
General specifications
MaterialStainless steel – 1.4301
ISO/EN/DIN codeX5CrNi1810
Chemical composition
ElementShare %
Iron – Fe66.805
Carbon – C0.070
Silicon – Si1.000
Manganese – Mn2.000
Phosphorus – P0.045
Sulphur – S0.030
Chromium – Cr19.5
Nickel – Ni10.5
Nitrogen – N0.110
Physical and mechanical properties
Density7.8 g/cm³
HardnessHRB 96

Explanations on hardness data
protected funnel with sample pusher
№ 19.1850.00
Protected funnel with sample pusher

The protected funnel with sample pusher enables due to the sample pusher a good handling and an outstanding material feeding.

General specifications
MaterialStainless steel – 1.4301
ISO/EN/DIN codeX5CrNi1810
Chemical composition
ElementShare %
Iron – Fe66.805
Carbon – C0.070
Silicon – Si1.000
Manganese – Mn2.000
Phosphorus – P0.045
Sulphur – S0.030
Chromium – Cr19.5
Nickel – Ni10.5
Nitrogen – N0.110
Physical and mechanical properties
Density7.8 g/cm³
HardnessHRB 96

Explanations on hardness data
funnel for long- and bulk solids, stainless steel 316L
№ 19.1559.00
Funnel for long- and bulk solids made of stainless steel 316L

Funnel for long- and bulk solids made in a corrosion-resistant stainless steel version 316L for applications in the food and pharmaceutical industry.
With this FRITSCH funnel free-flowing bulk solids as well as straw, films or similar materials can be inserted at full length. Both ends of the plunger of the funnel for long and bulk solids can be utilised: the small end for adding of long goods and the wide end for bulk solids.

General specifications
MaterialStainless steel – 1.4404/316L
ISO/EN/DIN codeX2CrNiMo17-12-2
Chemical composition
ElementShare %
Iron – Feapprox. 62.8
Carbon – C0.03
Silicon – Si1
Manganese – Mn2
Phosphorus – P0.045
Sulphur – S0.015
Chromium – Cr18.5
Molybdenum – Mo2.50
Nickel – Ni13.00
Nitrogen – N0.110
Physical and mechanical properties
Density8.0 g/cm³
Hardness215 HB

Explanations on hardness data

Приемники из нержавеющей стали 316L

Приемный сосуд имеется объемом 3 литра. Для измельчения больших количеств рекомендуется использовать приемный сосуд емкостью 10 литров. По заказу приемные сосуды доступны в других размерах.



3 litres
№ 45.5730.00
Collecting vessel, 3 litres

This collection vessel has a volume of 3 litres. Collection vessels (stainless steel are available in various sizes).

General specifications
MaterialStainless steel – 1.4404/316L
ISO/EN/DIN codeX2CrNiMo17-12-2
Chemical composition
ElementShare %
Iron – Feapprox. 62.8
Carbon – C0.03
Silicon – Si1
Manganese – Mn2
Phosphorus – P0.045
Sulphur – S0.015
Chromium – Cr18.5
Molybdenum – Mo2.50
Nickel – Ni13.00
Nitrogen – N0.110
Physical and mechanical properties
Density8.0 g/cm³
Hardness215 HB

Explanations on hardness data
10 litres - for large quantities
№ 45.5700.00
Collecting vessel for large quantities, 10 litres

This collection vessel is recommended for the comminution of larger sample amounts and has a volume of 10 litres.
Collection vessels (stainless steel are available in various sizes).

General specifications
MaterialStainless steel – 1.4404/316L
ISO/EN/DIN codeX2CrNiMo17-12-2
Chemical composition
ElementShare %
Iron – Feapprox. 62.8
Carbon – C0.03
Silicon – Si1
Manganese – Mn2
Phosphorus – P0.045
Sulphur – S0.015
Chromium – Cr18.5
Molybdenum – Mo2.50
Nickel – Ni13.00
Nitrogen – N0.110
Physical and mechanical properties
Density8.0 g/cm³
Hardness215 HB

Explanations on hardness data


Руководство по выбору
  • Данные по материалу наборов инструментов и рекомендация по применению

    Тип материала и ротора Основной компонент материала Износостойкость Плотность г/см³ Подходит для измельчения
    Закаленная нержавеющая сталь Fe - Cr условно хорошо 7,7
    Стандартный ротор с V-образными ножами и встречными ножами
    № для заказа 45.5100.00

    Ротор с зазубренными режущими кромками и неподвижными ножами
    № для заказа 45.5192.00

    Ротор с прямыми ножами и встречными ножами
    № для заказа 45.5185.00
    среднетвердых, хрупких проб, вязко-эластичного материала и пленок

    Средне-твердые, хрупкие, волокнистые и эластичные образцы, а также образцы с остаточной влажностью, например, пищевые продукты, корма для животных или растения, чувствительные к температуре образцы, например, пластмассы

    среднетвердых, хрупких проб, хорошо поддающегося резке материала, например, сено, солома, волокнистый и биологический материал
    Нержавеющая сталь 316L Fe - Cr условно хорошо 8,0
    Ротор с зазубренными режущими кромками и неподвижными ножами
    № для заказа 45.5198.00

    образцы средней жесткости, хрупкие, волокнистые и эластичные, идеально подходят для измельчения образцов с остаточной влажностью, например, пищи, кормов или растений, а также для термочувствительных образцов, например, пластмасс
    устойчивы к щелочам и кислотам, соответствуют директивам пищевой и фармацевтической промышленности, идеально подходят для аналитической отрасли, повышенная коррозионная стойкость
    Ротор с V-образными ножами и встречными ножами
    № для заказа 45.5370.00

    Дисковый ротор-фреза с поворотными режущими пластинами
    № для заказа 45.5200.00
    твердых, абразивных проб, для твердо-вязкого материала

    твердых, абразивных проб, измельчения лома печатных плат с остатками стекловолокна и медного кабеля

PULVERISETTE 19 может на выбор оснащаться ротором с V-образными ножами или с прямыми ножами, или дисковым ротором-фрезой со встречными ножами. Выбор материала режущих роторов и встречных ножей позволяет индивидуально регулировать износ. Подробности по режущим роторам и материалам указаны в руководстве по выбору. Наборы режущего инструмента также доступны из других материалов.



standard rotor with V-cutting edges and fixed knives made of hardened, stainless steel
№ 45.5100.00
Standard rotor with V-cutting edges and fixed knives made of hardened, stainless steel

The standard rotor made of hardened, stainless steel with V-cutting edges and fixed knives is suited primarily for comminution of tough-elastic materials and films due to its especially acute cutting angle and the high cutting action that results.

For sample preparation according to RoHS (for the evidence of hexavalent chromium) and for the XRF-analysis we recommend our cutting tool sets of chromium-free tool steel.

Standard rotor with V-cutting edges and fixed knives
General specifications
MaterialStainless steel – 1.4112
ISO/EN/DIN codeX90CrMoV18 / EN 10088
Chemical composition
ElementShare %
Iron – Fe79 - 77
Chromium – Cr17 - 19
Silicon – Si1.0
Manganese – Mn1.0
Molybdenum – Mo0.9 - 1.3
Carbon – C0.85 - 0.95
Vanadium – V0.07 - 0.012
Phosphorus – P0.04
Sulphur – S0.015
Physical and mechanical properties
Density 7.7 g/cm³ ;
Hardness56 - 58 HRC

Explanations on hardness data
rotor with V-cutting edges and fixed knives made of hardmetal tungsten carbide
№ 45.5370.00
Rotor with V-cutting edges and fixed knives made of hardmetal tungsten carbide

This rotor with V-cutting edges and fixed knives made of hardmetal tungsten carbide comminutes the grinding material through impact and cutting forces and is suitable for hard-tough materials.

For sample preparation according to RoHS (for the evidence of hexavalent chromium) and for the XRF-analysis we recommend our cutting tool sets of chromium-free tool steel.

1. Rotorknives
General Specification

Hardmetal tungsten carbide – WC
Chemical composition
ElementShare %
Tungsten carbide – WC88
Cobalt – Co 12
Physical and mechanical properties
Density 12.4 g/cm³
Hardness 89.5 HRA

2. Rotorbody
General specifications
MaterialStainless steel– 1.4404
ISO/EN/DIN CodeX2CRNiMO17-12-2 /DIN SEW410
Chemical composition
ElementShare %
Iron – Fe68.3 - 62.8
Chromium – Cr 16.5. - 18.5
Nickel – Ni10.0 - 13.0
Molybdenum – Mo 2.0 - 2.5
Manganese – Mn2.0
Silicon – Si1.0
Phosphorus – P0.045
Carbon – C0.03
Sulphur – S0.015
Other – 0.11
Physical and mechanical properties
Density 8.0 g/cm³
Hardness 45 HB

Explanations on hardness data
Rotor with notched edges and fixed knives made of hardened stainless steel
№ 45.5192.00
Rotor with notched edges and fixed knives made of hardened stainless steel

The rotor with notched edges and fixed knives made of hardened stainless steel is ideal for comminuting samples with residual moisture, such as food, feed or plants, and temperature-sensitive samples, such as plastics.
Due to its notched edges, the grinding chamber never closes completely, thus allowing optimum air flow. This significantly increases the throughput and makes the use of very fine sieves for larger quantities possible in the first place. The rotor knives have two notched cutting edges and can be easily turned after one side is used up.
Your advantage: twice the service life.

Standard rotor with V-cutting edges and fixed knives
General specifications
MaterialStainless steel – 1.4112
ISO/EN/DIN codeX90CrMoV18 / EN 10088
Chemical composition
ElementShare %
Iron – Fe79 - 77
Chromium – Cr17 - 19
Silicon – Si1.0
Manganese – Mn1.0
Molybdenum – Mo0.9 - 1.3
Carbon – C0.85 - 0.95
Vanadium – V0.07 - 0.012
Phosphorus – P0.04
Sulphur – S0.015
Physical and mechanical properties
Density 7.7 g/cm³ ;
Hardness56 - 58 HRC

Explanations on hardness data
Rotor with notched edges and fixed knives made of stainless steel 316L
№ 45.5198.00
Rotor with notched edges and fixed knives made of stainless steel 316L

The rotor with notched edges and fixed knives made of stainless steel 316L is ideal for comminuting samples with residual moisture, such as food, feed or plants, and temperature-sensitive samples, such as plastics.
Due to the material used, the rotor is resistant to alkalis and acids and complies with the guidelines of the food and pharmaceutical industry – thus it’s perfect for the analytical sector and for sample preparation with special focus on increased resistance to corrosion.
Due to its notched edges, the grinding chamber never closes completely, thus allowing optimum air flow. This significantly increases the throughput and makes the use of very fine sieves for larger quantities possible in the first place. The rotor knives have two notched cutting edges and can be easily turned after one side is used up.
Your advantage: twice the service life.

General specifications
MaterialStainless steel – 1.4404/316L
ISO/EN/DIN codeX2CrNiMo17-12-2
Chemical composition
ElementShare %
Iron – Feapprox. 62.8
Carbon – C0.03
Silicon – Si1
Manganese – Mn2
Phosphorus – P0.045
Sulphur – S0.015
Chromium – Cr18.5
Molybdenum – Mo2.50
Nickel – Ni13.00
Nitrogen – N0.110
Physical and mechanical properties
Density8.0 g/cm³
Hardness215 HB

Explanations on hardness data
rotor with straight cutting edges and fixed knives made of hardened, stainless steel
№ 45.5185.00
Rotor with straight cutting edges and fixed knives made of hardened, stainless steel

The rotor made of tool steel with straight cutting edges which run parallel to the fixed knives is suitable for easily cut material, such as hay, straw, fibrous or biological materials. The rotor knives may be turned, since they have 2 cutting edges. Your advantage: doubling the life span of your rotor knives.

For sample preparation according to RoHS (for the evidence of hexavalent chromium) and for the XRF-analysis we recommend our cutting tool sets of chromium-free tool steel.

1. Rotorknives
General specifications
MaterialTool steel – 1.2379
ISO/EN/DIN codeX155CrVMo12/1 / 59350
Chemical composition
ElementShare %
Iron – Fe85.79 – 82.14
Carbon – C1.45 – 1.6
Silicon – Si0.1 - 0.6
Manganese – Mn0.2 – 0.6
Phosphorus – P0.03
Sulphur – S0.03
Chromium – Cr11 – 13
Molybdenum – Mo0.7 - 1
Tungsten – W0.7 - 1
Physical and mechanical properties
Density 7.85 g/cm³ ;
Hardness58-60 HV

2. Rotor body
General specifications
MaterialConstruction steel – 1.0037 – FeP03
ISO/EN/DIN codeS235 JR
Chemical composition
ElementShare %
Iron – Fe98.34
Carbon – C0.17
Manganese – Mn1.4
Phosphorus – P0.045
Sulphur – S0.045
Chromium – Cr1.660
Physical and mechanical properties
Density7.85 g/cm³
Hardness20-95 HV

Explanations on hardness data
disk milling cutter rotor with indexable inserts and fixed knives made of hardmetal tungsten carbide
№ 45.5200.00
Disk milling cutter rotor with indexable inserts and fixed knives made of hardmetal tungsten carbide

Disk milling cutter rotor: The especially robust disk milling cutter rotor with indexable inserts and fixed knives made of hardmetal tungsten carbide can even comminute circuit board scrap with glass fibre residue and copper cable.
Quadruple service life: With the disk milling cutter rotor, the cutting plates can be turned four times and replaced individually. Damage or wear are no longer a reason to buy a completely new rotor.

For sample preparation according to RoHS (for the evidence of hexavalent chromium) and for the XRF-analysis we recommend our cutting tool sets of chromium-free tool steel.

1. Rotorknives
General Specification

Hardmetal tungsten carbide – WC
Chemical composition
ElementShare %
Tungsten carbide – WC88
Cobalt – Co 12
Physical and mechanical properties
Density 12.4 g/cm³
Hardness 89.5 HRA

2. Rotorbody
General specifications
MaterialStainless steel– 1.4404
ISO/EN/DIN CodeX2CRNiMO17-12-2 /DIN SEW410
Chemical composition
ElementShare %
Iron – Fe68.3 - 62.8
Chromium – Cr 16.5. - 18.5
Nickel – Ni10.0 - 13.0
Molybdenum – Mo 2.0 - 2.5
Manganese – Mn2.0
Silicon – Si1.0
Phosphorus – P0.045
Carbon – C0.03
Sulphur – S0.015
Other – 0.11
Physical and mechanical properties
Density 8.0 g/cm³
Hardness 45 HB

Explanations on hardness data
Disk milling cutter rotor with large chip chambers, indexable inserts and fixed knives made of hardmetal tungsten carbide
№ 45.5201.00
Disk milling cutter rotor with large chip chambers, indexable inserts and fixed knives made of hardmetal tungsten carbide

The disk milling cutter rotor with large chip chambers, indexable inserts and fixed knives made
of hardmetal tungsten carbide is suited for grinding large sample amounts.

The especially robust disk milling cutter rotor with large chip chambers, indexable inserts and fixed knives  can even comminute circuit board scrap with glass fibre residue and copper cable.
Quadruple service life: With the disk milling cutter rotor, the cutting plates can be turned four times and replaced individually. Damage or wear are no longer a reason to buy a completely new rotor.

For sample preparation according to RoHS (for the evidence of hexavalent chromium) and for the XRF-analysis we recommend our cutting tool sets of chromium-free tool steel.

1. Rotorknives
General Specification

Hardmetal tungsten carbide – WC
Chemical composition
ElementShare %
Tungsten carbide – WC88
Cobalt – Co 12
Physical and mechanical properties
Density 12.4 g/cm³
Hardness 89.5 HRA

2. Rotorbody
General specifications
MaterialStainless steel– 1.4404
ISO/EN/DIN CodeX2CRNiMO17-12-2 /DIN SEW410
Chemical composition
ElementShare %
Iron – Fe68.3 - 62.8
Chromium – Cr 16.5. - 18.5
Nickel – Ni10.0 - 13.0
Molybdenum – Mo 2.0 - 2.5
Manganese – Mn2.0
Silicon – Si1.0
Phosphorus – P0.045
Carbon – C0.03
Sulphur – S0.015
Other – 0.11
Physical and mechanical properties
Density 8.0 g/cm³
Hardness 45 HB

Explanations on hardness data

Ситовые кассеты из нержавеющей стали 316L

Ситовые кассеты определяют конечную степень измельчения пробы. Они обеспечивают равномерный отступ между ротором и измельчаемым материалом и, тем самым, достижение оптимального результата. Предлагаются ситовые кассеты с трапецеидальными и квадратными отверстиями. Ситовые кассеты с трапецеидальными отверстиями имеют эффект дополнительного измельчения благодаря дополнительной срезающей нагрузке. Ситовые кассеты с квадратными отверстиями рекомендуются для измельчения хрупких материалов и материалов средней степени измельчения с узким диапазоном крупности частиц. Ситовые кассеты доступны также и с другими отверстиями.



0.2 mm trapezoidal perforation
№ 45.5405.10
0.2 mm trapezoidal perforation

Sieve cassettes determine the fineness of a sample.
Sieve cassettes with trapezoidal and square perforations are offered. Sieve cassettes with trapezoidal perforations improve size reduction through extra shearing action. Sieve cassettes  with square perforations are used for the grinding of brittle materials and for achieving medium fineness with a narrow grain band.

For sample preparation according to RoHS (for the evidence of hexavalent chromium) and for the XRF-analysis we recommend our sieve cassettes made of chromium-free tool steel.

General specifications
MaterialStainless steel – 1.4404/316L
ISO/EN/DIN codeX2CrNiMo17-12-2
Chemical composition
ElementShare %
Iron – Feapprox. 62.8
Carbon – C0.03
Silicon – Si1
Manganese – Mn2
Phosphorus – P0.045
Sulphur – S0.015
Chromium – Cr18.5
Molybdenum – Mo2.50
Nickel – Ni13.00
Nitrogen – N0.110
Physical and mechanical properties
Density8.0 g/cm³
Hardness215 HB

Explanations on hardness data
0.25 mm trapezoidal perforation
№ 45.5410.10
0.25 mm trapezoidal perforation

Sieve cassettes determine the fineness of a sample.
Sieve cassettes with trapezoidal and square perforations are offered. Sieve cassettes with trapezoidal perforations improve size reduction through extra shearing action. Sieve cassettes with square perforations are used for the grinding of brittle materials and for achieving medium fineness with a narrow grain band.

For sample preparation according to RoHS (for the evidence of hexavalent chromium) and for the XRF-analysis we recommend our sieve cassettes made of chromium-free tool steel.

General specifications
MaterialStainless steel – 1.4404/316L
ISO/EN/DIN codeX2CrNiMo17-12-2
Chemical composition
ElementShare %
Iron – Feapprox. 62.8
Carbon – C0.03
Silicon – Si1
Manganese – Mn2
Phosphorus – P0.045
Sulphur – S0.015
Chromium – Cr18.5
Molybdenum – Mo2.50
Nickel – Ni13.00
Nitrogen – N0.110
Physical and mechanical properties
Density8.0 g/cm³
Hardness215 HB

Explanations on hardness data
0.5 mm trapezoidal perforation
№ 45.5420.10
0.5 mm trapezoidal perforation

Sieve cassettes determine the fineness of a sample.
Sieve cassettes with trapezoidal and square perforations are offered. Sieve cassettes with trapezoidal perforations improve size reduction through extra shearing action. Sieve cassettes with square perforations are used for the grinding of brittle materials and for achieving medium fineness with a narrow grain band.

For sample preparation according to RoHS (for the evidence of hexavalent chromium) and for the XRF-analysis we recommend our sieve cassettes made of chromium-free tool steel.

General specifications
MaterialStainless steel – 1.4404/316L
ISO/EN/DIN codeX2CrNiMo17-12-2
Chemical composition
ElementShare %
Iron – Feapprox. 62.8
Carbon – C0.03
Silicon – Si1
Manganese – Mn2
Phosphorus – P0.045
Sulphur – S0.015
Chromium – Cr18.5
Molybdenum – Mo2.50
Nickel – Ni13.00
Nitrogen – N0.110
Physical and mechanical properties
Density8.0 g/cm³
Hardness215 HB

Explanations on hardness data
0.75 mm trapezoidal perforation
№ 45.5430.10
0.75 mm trapezoidal perforation

Sieve cassettes determine the fineness of a sample.
Sieve cassettes with trapezoidal and square perforations are offered. Sieve cassettes with trapezoidal perforations improve size reduction through extra shearing action. Sieve cassettes with square perforations are used for the grinding of brittle materials and for achieving medium fineness with a narrow grain band.

For sample preparation according to RoHS (for the evidence of hexavalent chromium) and for the XRF-analysis we recommend our sieve cassettes made of chromium-free tool steel.

General specifications
MaterialStainless steel – 1.4404/316L
ISO/EN/DIN codeX2CrNiMo17-12-2
Chemical composition
ElementShare %
Iron – Feapprox. 62.8
Carbon – C0.03
Silicon – Si1
Manganese – Mn2
Phosphorus – P0.045
Sulphur – S0.015
Chromium – Cr18.5
Molybdenum – Mo2.50
Nickel – Ni13.00
Nitrogen – N0.110
Physical and mechanical properties
Density8.0 g/cm³
Hardness215 HB

Explanations on hardness data
1 mm trapezoidal perforation
№ 45.5440.10
1 mm trapezoidal perforation

Sieve cassettes determine the fineness of a sample.
Sieve cassettes with trapezoidal and square perforations are offered. Sieve cassettes with trapezoidal perforations improve size reduction through extra shearing action. Sieve cassettes with square perforations are used for the grinding of brittle materials and for achieving medium fineness with a narrow grain band.

For sample preparation according to RoHS (for the evidence of hexavalent chromium) and for the XRF-analysis we recommend our sieve cassettes made of chromium-free tool steel.

General specifications
MaterialStainless steel – 1.4404/316L
ISO/EN/DIN codeX2CrNiMo17-12-2
Chemical composition
ElementShare %
Iron – Feapprox. 62.8
Carbon – C0.03
Silicon – Si1
Manganese – Mn2
Phosphorus – P0.045
Sulphur – S0.015
Chromium – Cr18.5
Molybdenum – Mo2.50
Nickel – Ni13.00
Nitrogen – N0.110
Physical and mechanical properties
Density8.0 g/cm³
Hardness215 HB

Explanations on hardness data
1.5 mm trapezoidal perforation
№ 45.5450.10
1.5 mm trapezoidal perforation

Sieve cassettes determine the fineness of a sample.
Sieve cassettes with trapezoidal and square perforations are offered. Sieve cassettes with trapezoidal perforations improve size reduction through extra shearing action. Sieve cassettes with square perforations are used for the grinding of brittle materials and for achieving medium fineness with a narrow grain band.

For sample preparation according to RoHS (for the evidence of hexavalent chromium) and for the XRF-analysis we recommend our sieve cassettes made of chromium-free tool steel.

General specifications
MaterialStainless steel – 1.4404/316L
ISO/EN/DIN codeX2CrNiMo17-12-2
Chemical composition
ElementShare %
Iron – Feapprox. 62.8
Carbon – C0.03
Silicon – Si1
Manganese – Mn2
Phosphorus – P0.045
Sulphur – S0.015
Chromium – Cr18.5
Molybdenum – Mo2.50
Nickel – Ni13.00
Nitrogen – N0.110
Physical and mechanical properties
Density8.0 g/cm³
Hardness215 HB

Explanations on hardness data
2 mm trapezoidal perforation
№ 45.5460.10
2 mm trapezoidal perforation

Sieve cassettes determine the fineness of a sample.
Sieve cassettes with trapezoidal and square perforations are offered. Sieve cassettes with trapezoidal perforations improve size reduction through extra shearing action. Sieve cassettes with square perforations are used for the grinding of brittle materials and for achieving medium fineness with a narrow grain band.

For sample preparation according to RoHS (for the evidence of hexavalent chromium) and for the XRF-analysis we recommend our sieve cassettes made of chromium-free tool steel.

General specifications
MaterialStainless steel – 1.4404/316L
ISO/EN/DIN codeX2CrNiMo17-12-2
Chemical composition
ElementShare %
Iron – Feapprox. 62.8
Carbon – C0.03
Silicon – Si1
Manganese – Mn2
Phosphorus – P0.045
Sulphur – S0.015
Chromium – Cr18.5
Molybdenum – Mo2.50
Nickel – Ni13.00
Nitrogen – N0.110
Physical and mechanical properties
Density8.0 g/cm³
Hardness215 HB

Explanations on hardness data
2 mm square perforation
№ 45.5495.10
2 mm square perforation

Sieve cassettes determine the fineness of a sample.
Sieve cassettes with trapezoidal and square perforations are offered. Sieve cassettes with square perforations are used for the grinding of brittle materials and for achieving medium fineness with a narrow grain band. They are laser-welded and offer significantly easier cleaning due to less dead spaces. Sieve cassettes with trapezoidal perforations improve size reduction through extra shearing action.

For sample preparation according to RoHS (for the evidence of hexavalent chromium) and for the XRF-analysis we recommend our sieve cassettes made of chromium-free tool steel.

General specifications
MaterialStainless steel – 1.4404/316L
ISO/EN/DIN codeX2CrNiMo17-12-2
Chemical composition
ElementShare %
Iron – Feapprox. 62.8
Carbon – C0.03
Silicon – Si1
Manganese – Mn2
Phosphorus – P0.045
Sulphur – S0.015
Chromium – Cr18.5
Molybdenum – Mo2.50
Nickel – Ni13.00
Nitrogen – N0.110
Physical and mechanical properties
Density8.0 g/cm³
Hardness215 HB

Explanations on hardness data
4 mm square perforation
№ 45.5501.10
4 mm square perforation

Sieve cassettes determine the fineness of a sample.
Sieve cassettes with trapezoidal and square perforations are offered. Sieve cassettes with square perforations are used for the grinding of brittle materials and for achiving medium fineness with a narrow grain band. They are laser-welded and offer significantly easier cleaning due to less dead spaces. Sieve cassettes with trapezoidal perforations improve size reduction through extra shearing action.

For sample preparation according to RoHS (for the evidence of hexavalent chromium) and for the XRF-analysis we recommend our sieve cassettes made of chromium-free tool steel.

General specifications
MaterialStainless steel – 1.4404/316L
ISO/EN/DIN codeX2CrNiMo17-12-2
Chemical composition
ElementShare %
Iron – Feapprox. 62.8
Carbon – C0.03
Silicon – Si1
Manganese – Mn2
Phosphorus – P0.045
Sulphur – S0.015
Chromium – Cr18.5
Molybdenum – Mo2.50
Nickel – Ni13.00
Nitrogen – N0.110
Physical and mechanical properties
Density8.0 g/cm³
Hardness215 HB

Explanations on hardness data
6 mm square perforation
№ 45.5513.10
6 mm square perforation

Sieve cassettes determine the fineness of a sample.
Sieve cassettes with trapezoidal and square perforations are offered. Sieve cassettes with square perforations are used for the grinding of brittle materials and for achieving medium fineness with a narrow grain band. They are laser-welded and offer significantly easier cleaning due to less dead spaces. Sieve cassettes with trapezoidal perforations improve size reduction through extra shearing action.

For sample preparation according to RoHS (for the evidence of hexavalent chromium) and for the XRF-analysis we recommend our sieve cassettes made of chromium-free tool steel.

General specifications
MaterialStainless steel – 1.4404/316L
ISO/EN/DIN codeX2CrNiMo17-12-2
Chemical composition
ElementShare %
Iron – Feapprox. 62.8
Carbon – C0.03
Silicon – Si1
Manganese – Mn2
Phosphorus – P0.045
Sulphur – S0.015
Chromium – Cr18.5
Molybdenum – Mo2.50
Nickel – Ni13.00
Nitrogen – N0.110
Physical and mechanical properties
Density8.0 g/cm³
Hardness215 HB

Explanations on hardness data
8 mm square perforation
№ 45.5514.10
8 mm square perforation

Sieve cassettes determine the fineness of a sample.
Sieve cassettes with trapezoidal and square perforations are offered. Sieve cassettes with square perforations are used for the grinding of brittle materials and for achieving medium fineness with a narrow grain band. They are laser-welded and offer significantly easier cleaning due to less dead spaces. Sieve cassettes with trapezoidal perforations improve size reduction through extra shearing action.

For sample preparation according to RoHS (for the evidence of hexavalent chromium) and for the XRF-analysis we recommend our sieve cassettes made of chromium-free tool steel.

General specifications
MaterialStainless steel – 1.4404/316L
ISO/EN/DIN codeX2CrNiMo17-12-2
Chemical composition
ElementShare %
Iron – Feapprox. 62.8
Carbon – C0.03
Silicon – Si1
Manganese – Mn2
Phosphorus – P0.045
Sulphur – S0.015
Chromium – Cr18.5
Molybdenum – Mo2.50
Nickel – Ni13.00
Nitrogen – N0.110
Physical and mechanical properties
Density8.0 g/cm³
Hardness215 HB

Explanations on hardness data
10 mm square perforation
№ 45.5515.10
10 mm square perforation

Sieve cassettes determine the fineness of a sample.
Sieve cassettes with trapezoidal and square perforations are offered. Sieve cassettes with square perforations are used for the grinding of brittle materials and for achieving medium fineness with a narrow grain band. They are laser-welded and offer significantly easier cleaning due to less dead spaces. Sieve cassettes with trapezoidal perforations improve size reduction through extra shearing action.

For sample preparation according to RoHS (for the evidence of hexavalent chromium) and for the XRF-analysis we recommend our sieve cassettes made of chromium-free tool steel.

General specifications
MaterialStainless steel – 1.4404/316L
ISO/EN/DIN codeX2CrNiMo17-12-2
Chemical composition
ElementShare %
Iron – Feapprox. 62.8
Carbon – C0.03
Silicon – Si1
Manganese – Mn2
Phosphorus – P0.045
Sulphur – S0.015
Chromium – Cr18.5
Molybdenum – Mo2.50
Nickel – Ni13.00
Nitrogen – N0.110
Physical and mechanical properties
Density8.0 g/cm³
Hardness215 HB

Explanations on hardness data


Руководство по выбору
  • Данные по материалу несодержащих хром инструментов и рекомендация по применению

    Тип материала и ротора Основной компонент материала Износостойкость Плотность г/см³ Подходит для измельчения
    несодержащая хром инструментальная сталь Fe условно хорошо 7,8

    Ротор с V-образными ножами и встречными ножами
    № для заказа 45.5112.00

    Ротор с прямыми ножами и встречными ножами
    № для заказа 45.5012.00

    оба ротора особенно хорошо подходят для подготовки проб согласно RoHS, например, для выявления гексавалентного хрома и XRF-анализов

    хрупких, твердых проб, вязко-эластичного материала и пленок

    хрупких, твердых проб и хорошо поддающегося резке материала, например, сено, солома, волокнистый и биологический материал

Если для подготовки проб согласно RoHS – например, для выявления гексавалентного хрома – или XRF-анализов предельно важно измельчение без привнесения хрома, то с наборами режущего инструмента FRITSCH из несодержащей хром инструментальной стали и ситовыми кассетами из несодержащей хром стали DC01 Вы можете об этом не беспокоиться.

ВЫБЕРИТЕ не содержащий хром набор режущего инструмента и ситовые кассеты


rotor with V-cutting edges and fixed knives
№ 45.5112.00
Rotor with V-cutting edges and fixed knives made of chromium-free tool steel

The rotors made of chromium-free tool steel are especially recommended for the sample preparation according to RoHS and for the XRF-analysis. If a chromium-free size reduction is required for sample preparation according to RoHS – for example for verification of hexavalent chromium – or for XRF analysis, FRITSCH cutting tool sets of chromium-free tool steel offer this absolute assurance. Because for FRITSCH Cutting Mills, the fixed knives are always of the same material as the cutting edges of the rotor.

This rotor with V-cutting edges and fixed knives made of chromium-free tool steel is suited primarily for comminution of tough-elastic materials and films due to its especially acute cutting angle and the high cutting action that results.

For all other applications we recommend our cutting tool set made of tool steel and hardmetal tungsten carbide, since these are harder and therefore more resilient against abrasion.

General specifications
MaterialConstruction steel - 1.0330 - not rust-proof
ISO/EN/DIN codeDC01, EN 1013
Chemical composition
ElementShare %
Iron – Fe99.19
Carbon – C0.12
Manganese – Mn0.6
Phosphorus – P0.045
Sulphur – S0.045
Physical and mechanical properties
Density7.85 g/cm³
Hardness86 HRA

Explanations on hardness data
rotor with straight cutting edges and fixed knives
№ 45.5012.00
Rotor with straight cutting edges and fixed knives made of  chromium-free tool steel

The rotors made of chromium-free tool steel are especially recommended for the sample preparation according to RoHS and for the XRF-analysis. If a chromium-free size reduction is required for sample preparation according to RoHS – for example for verification of hexavalent chromium – or for XRF analysis, FRITSCH cutting tool sets of chromium-free tool steel offer this absolute assurance. Because for FRITSCH Cutting Mills, the fixed knives are always of the same material as the cutting edges of the rotor.

The rotor made of chromium-free tool steel with straight cutting edges which run parallel to the fixed knives is suitable for easily cut material, such as hay, straw, fibrous or biological materials. The rotor knives may be turned, since they have 2 cutting edges. Your advantage: doubling the life span of your rotor knives.

For all other applications, we recommend our cutting tool set made of tool steel and hardmetal tungsten carbide, since these are harder and therefore more resilient against abrasion.

General specifications
MaterialConstruction steel - 1.0330 - not rust-proof
ISO/EN/DIN codeDC01, EN 1013
Chemical composition
ElementShare %
Iron – Fe99.19
Carbon – C0.12
Manganese – Mn0.6
Phosphorus – P0.045
Sulphur – S0.045
Physical and mechanical properties
Density7.85 g/cm³
Hardness86 HRA

Explanations on hardness data


0.5 mm trapezoidal perforation
№ 45.5420.09
0.5 mm trapezoidal perforation

Sieve cassettes determine the final fineness of a sample. Sieve cassettes with trapezoidal and square perforations are offered. Sieve cassettes with trapezoidal perforations improve size reduction through extra shearing action. Sieve cassettes with square perforations are used for the grinding of brittle materials and materials of medium fineness with a narrow grain band.

Sieve cassettes made of chromium-free steel DC01 are especially recommended for the sample preparation according to RoHS or for verification of hexavalent chromium and for the XRF analysis. For all other applications sieve cassettes made stainless steel can be used since these are harder and therefore more resilient against abrasion.

General specifications
MaterialConstruction steel - 1.0330 - not rust-proof
ISO/EN/DIN codeDC01, EN 1013
Chemical composition
ElementShare %
Iron – Fe99.19
Carbon – C0.12
Manganese – Mn0.6
Phosphorus – P0.045
Sulphur – S0.045
Physical and mechanical properties
Density7.85 g/cm³
Hardness86 HRA

Explanations on hardness data
1 mm trapezoidal perforation
№ 45.5440.09
1 mm trapezoidal perforation

Sieve cassettes made of chromium-free steel DC01 are especially recommended for the sample preparation according to RoHS or for verification of hexavalent chromium and for the XRF analysis. For all other applications sieve cassettes made stainless steel can be used since these are harder and therefore more resilient against abrasion.

Sieve cassettes determine the final fineness of a sample.
Sieve cassettes with trapezoidal and square perforations are offered. Sieve cassettes with trapezoidal perforations improve size reduction through extra shearing action. Sieve cassettes with square perforations are used for the grinding of brittle materials and materials of medium fineness with a narrow grain band.

General specifications
MaterialConstruction steel - 1.0330 - not rust-proof
ISO/EN/DIN codeDC01, EN 1013
Chemical composition
ElementShare %
Iron – Fe99.19
Carbon – C0.12
Manganese – Mn0.6
Phosphorus – P0.045
Sulphur – S0.045
Physical and mechanical properties
Density7.85 g/cm³
Hardness86 HRA

Explanations on hardness data
2 mm trapezoidal perforation
№ 45.5460.09
Sieve cassette 2 mm trapezoidal perforation made of chromium-free steel DC01

Sieve cassettes made of chromium-free steel DC01 are especially recommended for the sample preparation according to RoHS or for verification of hexavalent chromium and for the XRF analysis. For all other applications sieve cassettes made stainless steel can be used since these are harder and therefore more resilient against abrasion.

Sieve cassettes determine the final fineness of a sample.
Sieve cassettes with trapezoidal and square perforations are offered. Sieve cassettes with trapezoidal perforations improve size reduction through extra shearing action. Sieve cassettes with square perforations are used for the grinding of brittle materials and materials of medium fineness with a narrow grain band.

General specifications
MaterialConstruction steel - 1.0330 - not rust-proof
ISO/EN/DIN codeDC01, EN 1013
Chemical composition
ElementShare %
Iron – Fe99.19
Carbon – C0.12
Manganese – Mn0.6
Phosphorus – P0.045
Sulphur – S0.045
Physical and mechanical properties
Density7.85 g/cm³
Hardness86 HRA

Explanations on hardness data
4 mm square perforation
№ 45.5500.09
4 mm trapezoidal perforation

Sieve cassettes made of chromium-free steel DC01 are especially recommended for the sample preparation according to RoHS or for verification of hexavalent chromium and for the XRF analysis. For all other applications sieve cassettes made stainless steel can be used since these are harder and therefore more resilient against abrasion.

Sieve cassettes determine the final fineness of a sample.
Sieve inserts with trapezoidal and square perforations are offered. Sieve cassettes with trapezoidal perforations improve size reduction through extra shearing action. Sieve cassettes with square perforations are used for the grinding of brittle materials and materials of medium fineness with a narrow grain band.

General specifications
MaterialConstruction steel - 1.0330 - not rust-proof
ISO/EN/DIN codeDC01, EN 1013
Chemical composition
ElementShare %
Iron – Fe99.19
Carbon – C0.12
Manganese – Mn0.6
Phosphorus – P0.045
Sulphur – S0.045
Physical and mechanical properties
Density7.85 g/cm³
Hardness86 HRA

Explanations on hardness data
6 mm square perforation
№ 45.5510.09
6 mm square perforation

Sieve cassettes made of chromium-free steel DC01 are especially recommended for the sample preparation according to RoHS or for verification of hexavalent chromium and for the XRF analysis. For all other applications sieve cassettes made stainless steel can be used since these are harder and therefore more resilient against abrasion.

Sieve cassettes determine the final fineness of a sample.
Sieve cassettes with trapezoidal and square perforations are offered. Sieve cassettes with trapezoidal perforations improve size reduction through extra shearing action. Sieve cassettes with square perforations are used for the grinding of brittle materials and materials of medium fineness with a narrow grain band.

General specifications
MaterialConstruction steel - 1.0330 - not rust-proof
ISO/EN/DIN codeDC01, EN 1013
Chemical composition
ElementShare %
Iron – Fe99.19
Carbon – C0.12
Manganese – Mn0.6
Phosphorus – P0.045
Sulphur – S0.045
Physical and mechanical properties
Density7.85 g/cm³
Hardness86 HRA

Explanations on hardness data


Запатентованная комбинация из универсальной режущей мельницы с высокопроизводительным циклонным сепаратором, стандартным циклонным сепаратором или циклонным сепаратором малой емкости обеспечивает более легкую очистку и наполнение, делает возможным применение ситовых кассет с более мелкими отверстиям для более высокой конечной степени измельчения, ускоряет производительность и обеспечивает низкую тепловую нагрузку Вашей пробы – также для трудноизмельчаемых материалов


высокопроизводительного циклонного сепаратора

With solid piping made of stainless steel 304, incl. sample glass 1 litre
№ 19.1940.00
With solid piping made of stainless steel 304, incl. sample glass 1 litre

The FRITSCH high-performance Cyclone separator completely made of stainless steel 304 is particularly indispensable in the analytical sector and in the food and pharmaceutical industries, and for the processing of hetero geneous mixtures of material, e.g. in the cement industry. Due to its high surface quality, it offers enhanced resistance to corrosive media such as alkalis and acids and is especially easy to clean with a wide range of possible cleaning agents, without leaving any residues.  In addition, it can be completely dismantled, fully emptied, flooded and sterilised, and thus offers reliable protection against cross-contamination. The comminuted sample is drawn into a screwed-on collecting vessel or in a smaller sample glass, in which it can also be transported and stored.
The high-performance Cyclone separator with solid piping should be used in combination with the stand with wheels (order no. 45.5800.00).

The advantages of the high-performance Cyclone separator at a glance
- Faster throughput
- Improved discharge of material from the grinding chamber
- Additional strong cooling of the grinding material and grinding parts
- Efficient size reduction of temperature-sensitive samples, electrostatically-charged plastics or powder coatings
- Ideal for light materials, small sample quantities and finer sieve sizes
- Highly efficient continuous comminution of large quantities

General specifications
MaterialStainless steel – 1.4301
ISO/EN/DIN codeX5CrNi1810
Chemical composition
ElementShare %
Iron – Fe66.805
Carbon – C0.070
Silicon – Si1.000
Manganese – Mn2.000
Phosphorus – P0.045
Sulphur – S0.030
Chromium – Cr19.5
Nickel – Ni10.5
Nitrogen – N0.110
Physical and mechanical properties
Density7.8 g/cm³
HardnessHRB 96

Explanations on hardness data

Приемные сосуды для высокопроизводительного циклонного сепаратора и стандартный циклонный сепаратор

sample glass 1 litre
№ 83.3250.00
Sample glass 1 litre

Sample glass 1 litre for sample exhaustion with the high-performance Cyclone separator.

sample glass 2 litres
№ 83.3260.00
Sample glass 2 litres

The sample glass with 2 litres volume is recommended for sample exhaustion with the high-performance Cyclone separator for sample discharges larger than 1000 ml, since only a 1 litre sample glass is included in the delivery of the high-performance Cyclone separator.

sample glass 5 litres
№ 83.3270.00
Sample glass 5 litres

The sample glass with 5 litres volume is recommended for sample exhaustion with the high-performance Cyclone separator for sample discharges larger than 1000 ml, since only a 1 litre sample glass is included in the delivery of the high-performance Cyclone separator.

Collecting vessel, 20 litres made of stainless steel
№ 45.8040.00
Collecting vessel, 20 litres made of stainless steel

The collection vessel 20 litres is recommended for sample exhaustion with the high-performance Cyclone separator for sample discharges larger than 1000 ml, since only a 1 litre sample glass is included in the delivery of the high-performance Cyclone separator. 

General specifications
MaterialStainless steel – 1.4404/316L
ISO/EN/DIN codeX2CrNiMo17-12-2
Chemical composition
ElementShare %
Iron – Feapprox. 62.8
Carbon – C0.03
Silicon – Si1
Manganese – Mn2
Phosphorus – P0.045
Sulphur – S0.015
Chromium – Cr18.5
Molybdenum – Mo2.50
Nickel – Ni13.00
Nitrogen – N0.110
Physical and mechanical properties
Density8.0 g/cm³
Hardness215 HB

Explanations on hardness data
Collecting vessel, 60 litres made of stainless steel
№ 45.8050.00
Collecting vessel, 60 litres made of stainless steel

The collection vessel 60 litres is recommended for sample exhaustion with the high-performance Cyclone separator for sample discharges larger than 1000 ml, since only a 1 litre sample glass is included in the delivery of the high-performance Cyclone separator.

General specifications
MaterialStainless steel – 1.4404/316L
ISO/EN/DIN codeX2CrNiMo17-12-2
Chemical composition
ElementShare %
Iron – Feapprox. 62.8
Carbon – C0.03
Silicon – Si1
Manganese – Mn2
Phosphorus – P0.045
Sulphur – S0.015
Chromium – Cr18.5
Molybdenum – Mo2.50
Nickel – Ni13.00
Nitrogen – N0.110
Physical and mechanical properties
Density8.0 g/cm³
Hardness215 HB

Explanations on hardness data

Циклонный сепаратор малой емкости

Small volume Cyclone separator
№ 19.1937.00
Small volume Cyclone separator made of plastic, foodGrade

Small volume Cyclone separator made of plastic for sample exhaustion of small sample quantities, incl. 500 ml sample glass.
Especially for exhaustion of small sample quantities, we designed the compact FRITSCH small volume Cyclone separator. It is made of plastic, can be dismantled completely and cleaned in a dishwasher for reliably preventing contaminations. The FRITSCH small volume Cyclone separator must be connected to an exhaust system: order no. 43.9070.00.

Especially convenient: The comminuted sample is drawn directly into the screwed-on 500 ml sample glass, in which it can also be transported and stored. Alternatively a sample glass 250 ml can also be screwed-on and ordered: order no. 27.1450.00.

Приемные сосуды для циклонного сепаратора малой емкости

Sample glass 250 ml
№ 27.1450.00
Sample glass 250 ml

Sample bottle with screw lid, thread of sample bottle GL55, sample bottle can be used with dividing heads, division ratio 1:8 and 1:10.
Furthermore a sample vessel 32 ml with lid, article-number 83.3190.16, is available, which can be inserted in the sample bottles 250 ml and 500 ml for dividing smallest sample quantities.
The sample glass is recommended for sample exhaustion with the small volume Cyclone separator for sample discharges smaller than 500 ml, since only a 500 ml sample glass is included in the delivery of the small volume performance Cyclone separator.

Sample glass 500 ml
№ 27.1460.00
Sample glass 500 ml

Sample bottle with screw lid, thread of sample bottle GL55.
Sample bottle can be used with dividing heads, division ratio 1:8.
Furthermore a sample vessel 32 ml with lid, article-number 83.3190.16, is available, which can be inserted in the sample bottles 250 ml and 500 ml for dividing smallest sample quantities.
Sample glass can also be used for sample exhaustion with the small volume Cyclone separator.

Вытяжное устройство и принадлежности для высокопроизводительного циклонного сепаратора и циклонного сепаратора малой емкости

Switch box for controlling the exhaust system
№ 19.3073.00

With the switch box, you control the exhaust system directly via the Universal Cutting Mills PULVERISETTE 19. Due to the switch box, applicable for 100-240 V/1~, 50-60 Hz, up to 3600 Watt, the sample exhaustion with Cyclone separators and exhaust system becomes even easier and more comfortable.

dust exhaust system, dust category „M” according to DIN EN 60335-2-69
№ 43.9070.00
Exhaust system, dust category "M" according to DIN EN 60335-2-69

The exhaust system, dust category "M" according to DIN EN 60335-2-69 for 230 V/1~, 50/60 Hz, 1600 Watt is versatile:

For combination with the high performance and small volume cyclones.
To operate the FRITSCH Cyclones you need an exhaust system. The strong airflow ensures simple feeding, increases throughput, and reduces the thermal load of the samples. The high performance and small volume Cyclone separator can be combined with Universal Cutting Mills PULVERISETTE 19, the Variable Speed Rotor Mill PULVERISETTE 14 premium line and classic line. The small volume cyclone can also be combined with the Variable Speed Rotor Mill PULVERISETE 14 premium line and classic line even for passive utilisation – without sample exhaust.
The high-performance cyclone is ideal for combination with the Universal Cutting Mills PULVERISETTE 19 large, the Cross Beater Mill PULVERISETTE 16 and the Disk Mill PULVERISETTE 13 premium line for optimal sample extraction and for comminution of larger quantities.

For cooling of the Variable Speed Rotor Mill PULVERISETTE 14 premium line
By connecting the exhaust system with the connecting piece order no. 14.4214.00, the cooling of the mill can easily be enhanced.

For connecting to Disk Mill PULVERISETTE 13 premium line
The exhaust is simply connected to the PULVERISETTE 13 premium line and operated via a start and stop button on the instrument – for dust free comminution.

For connecting to the Jaw Crusher PULVERISETTE 1, Modell I + II classic line
Simply connect the exhaust system to the integrated connection of the PULVERISETTE 1. Fine dust arising during comminution is automatically removed. The exhaust system is also very useful when cleaning the grinding parts.

For connecting to the Disk Mill PULVERISETTE 13 classic line
The exhaust system can be easily connected to the PULVERISETTE 13 classic line. Fine dust arising during comminution is automatically removed. The exhaust system is also very useful when cleaning the grinding parts.

For exhaustion of the sample during dry measurement with the Laser Particle Sizers ANALYSETTE 22 NeXT
An exhaust system is necessary to ensure automatic sample exhaustion during dry measurement. When the measurement is completed it can also be easily used to manually clean the feeder.

Please note that the exhaust system article no. 43.9070.00, is not equipped with a fine filter and therefore dust may escape. Please consider the valid occupational health and safety regulations. This exhaust system is mostly recommended for dust-free grinding and the vacuuming of during the process developing fine dust in the upper part of the grinding chamber and for the cleaning of the grinding parts.

For vacuuming of the sample during dry measurement with the Laser Particle Sizers ANALYSETTE 22 NeXT, we recommended we recommend the exhaust system article no. 43.9060.00, which is equipped with a hose and an ultra-fine filter of dust class "H" according to DIN EN 60335-2-69, so that the escape of fine dust is reduced.

fleece filter bag for exhaust system (pack = 5 pieces) for exhaust system 43.9070.00
№ 43.9055.00

1 pack = 5 pieces
One pack is included in the scope of delivery of the exhaust system (article No. 43.9070.00).
These fleece filter bags should be used for the vacuuming off of fine, dry materials.
For the vacuuming off of coarse, wet materials are plastic bags available (article no. 43.9052.00).

plastic bag for exhaust system (pack = 5 pieces) for exhaust system 43.9070.00
№ 43.9052.00

1 pack = 5 pieces

One pack is included in the order of the exhaust system (article No. 43.9070.00).
These plastic bags should be used for the vacuuming off of coarse, wet materials.
For the vacuuming off of fine, dry materials are paper filter bags available (article no. 43.9055.00).


Предлагается универсальный штатив, штатив из нержавеющей стали 316L и штатив на колесиках, по запросу. Штативы являются компактным и надежным основанием для установки мельницы и ее перемещения внутри лаборатории.



Stand cpl. welded, electrochemically polished made of stainless steel 316L
№ 45.5829.00

Stand cpl. welded, electrochemically polished made of stainless steel 316L.
This stand is also recommended and used for the free installation the following models of the Universal-Cutting Mills PULVERISETTE 19 300-3000 rpm and 50-700 rpm in the corrosion resistant stainless steel version 316 L, as well as for the PULVERISETTE 19 large 300-3000 rpm and PULVERISETTE 19 large 50-700 rpm.

stand with wheels
№ 45.5800.00

The stand with wheels offers the Universal Cutting Mills PULVERISETTE 19 a space-saving and spatially variable basis.

table-top stand 330 mm high
№ 45.5805.00
table-top stand 330 mm high

A table-top stand with a height of approx. 330 mm is offered for the Universal Cutting Mills, Both, the PULVERISETTE 19 and PULVERISETTE 19 large can simply be screwed onto the stand.


Документация IQ/OQ (в виде бланка - для самостоятельного выполнения) для поддержки квалификации устройства в системе управления качеством для универсальной режущей мельницы PULVERISETTE 19.



IQ/OQ documentation (questionnaire format - implementation by customer)
№ 96.0250.00
IQ/OQ documentation (questionnaire format - implementation by customer)

IQ/OQ documentation (questionnaire format - implementation by customer) for the independent utilization for the support of instrument qualification in the quality management system for the Universal Cutting Mills PULVERISETTE 19.

№ для заказа
Jessica Seifert
FRITSCH GmbH - Milling and Sizing
Industriestrasse 8
55743 Idar-Oberstein
Телефон +49 67 84 70 0

База данных протоколов измельчения



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