У FRITSCH Вы найдете подходящее решение для каждой задачи измерения частиц

Сложный или ультра тонкий материал проб, низкая концентрация, эффективная автоматизация процессов измерения - нет такой задачи в измерении частиц, о которой бы мы не подумали. И для которой мы бы не нашли решение. На наших страницах с решениями мы предлагаем очень много ответов. Если Вы ничего не найдете: Позвоните нам.

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Interesting information on Dispersion

Many samples, due to their material characteristics, require special preparation for measurement. For example can static charges, adhesive or cohesive forces, magnetism and hydrophobic characteristics or coagulation complicate the dispersion and measurement. 


Statically charged and hydrophobic samples

Some samples are difficult to disperse. For example, they are statically charged (e.g. plastics) or have hydrophobic characteristics or water repellent molecule components (e.g. pharmaceuticals, drugs, toner powder, graphite, titanium dioxide).


Adhesive, cohesive and magnetic samples

When the particles have so called adhesive forces it is considered an adhesive sample. The effects of forces of attraction between atoms or molecules of a body are described as a cohesive power, polarity or a magnetic characteristic.


Application examples

Benefit from our 35 year experience in particle technology and take advantage of our practical experience in determining particle size distributions. We compiled a collection of application reports reflecting our know-how in various areas of particle technology for you.